Selecting a good value commercial cleaning company and making the number 1 choice

Selecting a good value commercial cleaning company

Selecting a good value commercial cleaning company can be a challenge. More and more, businesses are feeling the financial pinch and looking to make savings wherever possible.

Often, this will result in them selecting the cheapest quote for a service or product, including cleaning.

Selecting a good value commercial cleaning company

We all know the old saying "buy cheap, buy twice" when making a purchase, and the same is true when selecting a cleaning service.

Cleaning should be "invisible", allowing you to focus on the running of your business without having the worry of whether or not the cleaners have turned up, or if "those" cobwebs have been missed yet again, resulting in a poor image for staff, visitors and clients.

Time and time again, we are told that companies have been paying less for their current cleaning arrangement than our quote.

When discussed, companies  accept that they are seeking further quotes due to dissatisfaction and that the low price is likely to be a key contributor to this. We want to be known for offering the best value service, and not being the cheapest option.

Selecting a good value commercial cleaning company

Ask yourself if you have a cheap cleaning service cleaning your business which you are not fully satisfied with, do they offer all of the following customer benefits?

  • A  24-hour client support line, meaning we are there, whenever you need us.
  • Cleaning operatives trained to the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) nationally recognised standard 
  • GPS employee clocking in and out systems, protecting lone workers and ensuring in the event of a "no show", that an on-call manager is alerted and responds to ensure you don't miss a clean.
  • Effective, environmentally friendly cleaning products, minimising plastic waste whilst delivering great performance.

Of course we offer many, many more benefits than those above, and we would be delighted to discuss each and every one in a no obligation quote.

At Green Fox Cleaningwe love the below quote from business tycoon Warren Buffet.

"Price is what you pay, value is what you get"

Warren Buffet

 If you want to find out how we could help your premises, please call 0333 050 1139 or click here to find out more.

Good value commercial cleaning company
Good value commercial cleaning company